Boomers not understanding Gen Y or Z and how we can make money outside of 9–5

Kyle Fischer
5 min readJan 27, 2022

My parents, aunts, uncles, etc all worked the standard corporate job. My parents are a bit older, dad almost 75, mom almost 66. I am 33 and the oldest of two kids. Both worked at a auto finance company, aunt was a teacher, uncle worked for a big auto company, etc for basically everyone else as well.

To start when my cousin quit his job in Texas to move to NY to try to start his own design business, his parents thought he was crazy leaving a job with healthcare, 401k, PTO, etc. Then they really thought he was crazy when he took a job in China. This is the level of thinking and misunderstanding to start with about how us as millennials and Gen Z can find jobs and work outside of the past norms.

Not making assumptions that everyone older is like this, just I would argue that it is a majority. For example, when we purchased a condo here in Phoenix to run as an AirBNB, from talking to my parents and family they all asked questions but had that look of I don’t get it. Where you tell people 40 and under this and they go “Oh, OK. Good for you!” and have an understanding of what you are trying to do as they are way more likely to be using AirBNB to start with vs my people my parents age and older.

So that comes to the whole point of people who have an AirBNB business, are a blogger, Youtuber, TikTok’er, Instagrammer..maybe? I am not sure on spelling or names of these things, but I know they exist and I know people are making a boat load…



Kyle Fischer

Focusing on new ways to achieve happiness and take up my minds time, hiking, investing, writing/putting words together.